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Make Your Mark

Trills on a Tuesday

Updated: Feb 18, 2023

You may have noticed that Eamonn gives us a lot of instructions and guidance each week on how the songs should be sung and performed.

We tend to think we will remember these seemingly simple hints and tips.

However, as our repertoire grows, with the best will in the world, it is impossible to remember everything. (The only person who will remember is Eamonn, so be ready for the glare when you get it wrong!)

A simple solution is to bring a pencil with you each week and mark your music score accordingly. You’ll be surprised the difference it makes if you haven’t already tried it.

Speaking of ‘impossible’, we revisited The Impossible Dream where the tenors have their moment of glory and start us off singing the tune. Eamonn said that they sounded magnificent! However, they mustn’t be seduced by the Lady Tenors when they join in and sing along with them. Their notes are different.

For everyone, it is important to sing through the phrases and not take a breath (mark it with your pencil!)

Be confident when you are ‘Willing to march into hell’ and then afterwards, ‘when the world will be better for this’ make it peaceful and calm and keep your eyes on Eamonn for the cues.

You can mark in pencil on your score too!

In the Oooh section you do have permission to breath, so enjoy this moment as it doesn’t happen very often. These are already marked for you (no need to use your pencil here)

Lady Tenors Ooohs needs to having big smiling vowels and think of the sound coming out of the top of your head like a steam train!

The Impossible Dream becomes a Daydream Believer.

It was composed by American songwriter John Stewart shortly before he left the Kingston Trio. It was originally recorded by the Monkees, with Davy Jones singing the lead.

John Stewart wrote Daydream Believer as the third in a trilogy of songs about suburban life, recalling: "I remember going to bed thinking, 'What a wasted day — all I’ve done is daydream.' And from there I wrote the whole song. I never thought it was one of my best songs. Not at all".

RCA Records did not like the song as written by Stewart, and insisted on changing a critical word. Stewart originally wrote: "Now you know how funky I can be," but RCA wanted to change it to "Now you know how happy I can be," as one meaning of "funky" is "smelly." Stewart initially objected because the change would completely reverse the meaning of the line and would not make sense in the context of the song. He relented because RCA was adamant and Stewart realized that the song could be a hit.

As this is another well known song it has to be sung as written by Eamonn and to get the rhythms right, so get out your pencils again and mark the score!

The Doos need to be bright and not Duh and dull!

The Ba ba das should have pizzazz like jazz hands and the Baas should sound like sheep

The ending just fades away – don’t make the mistake to think quieter means weaker. Keep the intensity going as you get quieter. Watch Eamonn for the timing. While he is playing, his head will act like a third hand, so watch carefully for the cut offs.

As a nod to Valentine’s Day, we finished with Make You Feel My Love. Remember the double notes on ‘we met’ and ‘wild and free’ and also if you are coming in on the beat or off the beat as it varies. Mark the score with your pencil!

Please note: Next week we will be rehearsing in out usual venue, the clubhouse where Ricardo will be leading us.

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