Many thanks to Laurence for guiding us through the past two weeks. He took us for his last time tonight as he is travelling to Inverness and then Plymouth to play live in the Musical 9 to 5 https://theatreroyal.com/whats-on/9-to-5/.
Yet another talent our choir has attracted!
As the keyboard was rather loud coming through the speakers, we played unplugged and went through The Logical Song in a logical way with the Tenors singing all their part first, followed by the Altos and then the sopranos. Then we were ready to stand and sing it from the top in perfect harmony.
Only You was next with a quick recap on last week and we really remembered it well.
Mr Blue Sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQUlA8Hcv4s was a real test as we had previously learned it on Zoom, where, of course, no one else can hear us sing, so it was interesting to hear it sung together live. “Where did we go wrong?” seemed very apt lyrics! Laurence put us right and we covered most of the song until the Ba bas at the end. To be continued next week……