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For the first time In Flagrante performed to a sell out crowd

The songs were sung in harmony, the applause was loud and proud

Not an easy journey with many setbacks on the way

Covid, coughs and illness all threatened to spoil the day

Our regular pianist taken ill and cancelled the day before

Ricardo found a replacement; we couldn’t have asked for more

Most of us gathered early with a chicken tikka start

Then we worked our way through the programme to finalise each part

We practiced going in and out by walking two by two

Repeating it a second time so we all knew what to do

A break for tea and sandwiches and, for some, a glass of wine

Trying to calm our nervousness and hoping it would be fine

We walked in with purple folders and took up our places to sing

The room quiet with anticipation of what joy our choir would bring

We began with Monday, Monday and everyone smiled and clapped

The ending of the Carol of The Bells, well, we managed to adapt!

We all sung out with gusto, the dynamics were just right

Ricardo guided us carefully as long as we kept him in sight!

The first half ended rapturously with the wordy Rhythm of Life

Who would have thought it would go so well after all our struggle and strife?

A break with time to mingle with family, friends and all

Then back in place to sing again with a Finnish Reindeer Call

Now an opportunity for the audience to join and sing along

Getting in a festive mood and sing a Christmas song

After all the cheers and clapping and everyone wanting more

Another rendition of The Rhythm of life we sang as an encore

Against all the odds we triumphed; we did everybody proud

A great success for In Flagrante who entertained the crowd.

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Well, for the first time we have sold out our concert on 30 November with 150 tickets sold, so big numbers are coming to watch us perform. Jan was so excited as she has always dreamed of putting ‘Sold Out’ banners on our posters!

Dreams do come true! Jan.

Our penultimate rehearsal last night with Jenny at the keyboard and Ricardo at the lectern to give us his full attention. However, big numbers of us were missing with 18 Zoomers! Covid, coughs and colds etc preventing us from singing together.

The half of the choir that was present wrapped up warm so we could be well ventilated with the doors open on a very cold evening! We can’t afford for the other half of the choir to be ill!

We stood in concert position and began with our Chicken Tikka warm up and moved on to the big numbers we are singing in Part One of the concert and some from Part Two

There were only three altos present and they had to dig deep and believe in themselves and sing out. They did wonderfully well and can feel very proud or their achievements

Classic fm claim this is the greatest crescendo in classical music.

Ricardo was guiding us through the performance of the big numbers; getting us to crescendo in the right places and to get contrast of loud and soft (and medium between) throughout each song.

It is critical that we all watch Ricardo. At the end of the songs the words have usually repeated so often you don’t need to look at them, so look at Ricardo instead!

He is much gentler than Eamonn, but we still need to up our game and perform as instructed.

Hold your purple folders up so you can see your music and glance at Ricardo; he is there to guide us. You will project your voice more with your head held high and not restricting your voice box! Also, the audience can see your faces!

and remember, Hold You Head Up!

Watch Ricardo, especially at critical points like when to come in, when to stop, when to increase or decrease the volume etc.

Keep it professional; DO NOT TURN THE PAGE at the end of the song until the last note is played and the audience has shown their appreciation. If necessary, write at the end of the song DO NOT TURN THE PAGE!

Don’t forget to smile!

It not only shows we are enjoying ourselves, which will make the audience enjoy it too, but will brighten the notes, especially those exceptionally high ones!

"If my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it." (Muhammad Ali)

Get well to all those who are unwell. Stay well to all those are well.

Take care everyone and we will be great next week for our sell out performance

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The concert is fast approaching with only two full rehearsals left. EEEk!!!!!

So 'Let's work together'. A blast from the past!

A choir, by definition, is a group of people who sing together and remember 'The whole is more than the sum of its parts'. Aristotle?

However, it doesn’t just happen by chance. We have to work at it and we are each responsible for learning our parts so we don’t let the team down. It is when all these elements are put together that we become the In Flagrante Choir and make a beautiful sound. All for one and one for all!

Don’t panic! We covered quite a few songs last night and the lady tenors were the stars having clearly done their homework!

Ricardo gave us some good performance instructions on how to build up the sound and take it back down again. A bit like turning a dial, but not just singing very loud or very soft, but obtaining a contrast with a medium setting and gradually building to a big impact ending, especially in the Christmas Lullaby chorus.

Even when singing the last chorus with gusto, we still need to put our ‘lullaby hats’ on!

All the songs will need different nuances so they are not boring and it will keep the audience engaged. With Ricardo conducting and our eyes on him (and not buried in our music) this will add depth and interest as our voices blend together.

Another little tip is when we are on the last page, not to turn it over for the next song (especially if you are not actually singing) until the last notes have been sung and the audience has shown their appreciation. It makes us all look very professional.

We all know where our weaknesses lie in certain parts of songs. It is up to each of us to work on those during the week using the backing tracks in DropBox. Use your individual voice part to secure the notes in your mind and then sing it through with the full version.

Also, just sing through those we know well to keep the memory muscle going.

You might hear me when walking around Richmond or in Kew Gardens quietly singing to myself.

If I find a very deserted spot in Kew Gardens, I will sing out and hope no one is hiding behind a tree!

Jenny is with us from next week and we will have Ricardo’s full attention, so do your part and be ready.

All for one and one for all – practice will give you confidence, and together we will make a great sounding and remember Don't Panic!

Each member of In Flagrante choir is valued and if one of us needs anything, like a lift, music printed etc we are all here to help and lend a hand.

All for one and one for all!

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